
 → 友だちとたくさんあそぶ。
 → 授業でわからなことをそのままにしないで先生に聞く。


 →江戸川区立 葛西図書館(電話3687-6811)は葛西小から歩いて5分です。
  区の施設などについては「外国人のための便利帳」LIVING IN EDOGAWAに


AOZORA (Blue Sky)

Let's find the fun of leaning.

The number of Japanese classes that the students took was different during
the period of April through July. Some students just came to Japan and
took as little as 20 hours and some had been in Japan for quite long and took
as much as 69 hours. You are now living in Japan so that everything you
listen and see is in Japanese such as TV programs, all the signboards in
town, announcements and school activities . We can say that start learning
Japanese in Japanese classes is like start "seeding" your Japanese in a short
period of time.

The important things are :
1.Try to speak during the everyday living and do not worrying about the
2.Listen to other people even though there are some words that you do not
understand and answer to them from what you have understood. (You may
use body languages as well.)
3.Write some sentences that contain meanings and ask your Japanese
friends and teachers to correct them.
4.Read aloud repeatedly.

How fast your Japanese skill will "bloom" and become a "fruit" depends on
whether you will repeat the above four points everyday or not.

Also reading and writing the Chinese characters,KANJI,are indispensable.
The friends in Japanese classes are using different methods to practice
Japanese such as make a commitment to yourself to learn three or more
KANJI a day, read a small dictionary in order to learn how to read or
practice some KANJI workbooks during weekends.

"KANJI Marathon" is a way to check how many KANJI you have learned by
putting check marks on 1,006 characters of KANJI that your learn between
the first and the sixth grades. Some chidren can read more than 800
characters by just studying one year.

It might be difficult to lean Japanese in the beginning but by concentrating
on learning,you will become to understand from the context of the sentences.
Children remember a lot of KANJI that they learn during the current grade
forget the KANJI they learned in the previous year.

Finally,here is a quiz.
What part of Chinese characters are hidden in the words 「聞く」(listen),
「言う」(say),and 「見る」(see)?

Hint:Parts of body. You can find one in 「書く」as well.
Use KANWA JITEN (Dictionary of Chinese characters) to find out the
history of each character.


In 「聞く」, there is 「耳」(ear)
In 「言う」, there is 「口」(mouth)
In 「見る」, there is 「目」(eye)

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